Nonlinear electromagnetic spatial solitons in the resonant value of electromagnetic waves


  • Sulton Usanov Yeoju Technical Institute in Tashkent
  • Inomjon Ibragimov
  • Sheroz Usanov

Ключевые слова:

soliton, symmetric, resonant, dielectric, magnetic


For such a multi-valued nonlinear magnetic response, the domains with different values of the magnetic permeability ”excited” by the spatial soliton can be viewed as effective induced left-handed waveguides which make possible the existence of single- and multi-hump soliton structures. Due to the existence of such domains, the solitons can be not only symmetric, but also antisymmetric and even asymmetric. Formally, the size of an effective domain can be much smaller than the wavelength and, therefore, there exists an applicability limit for the obtained results to describe nonlinear waves in realistic composite structures.




Как цитировать

Usanov, S., Ibragimov, I., & Usanov, S. (2023). Nonlinear electromagnetic spatial solitons in the resonant value of electromagnetic waves. Центрально азиатский журнал STEM, 4(1). извлечено от