Gaussian-based variational approximation of one-dimensional quantum droplets


  • S.M Usanov Kimyo International University in Tashkent

Ключевые слова:

Gaussian ansatze, quantum droplets, variational approximation


On the other hand, large colliding droplets may merge or suffer fragmentation,
depending on their relative velocity. The frequency of a breathing excited state of droplets,
as predicted by the dynamical variational approximation based on the Gaussian ansatz, is
found to be in good agreement with numerical results. Finally, the stability diagram for a
single droplet with respect to shape excitations with a given wavenumber is drawn, being
consistent with preservation of the Weber number for large droplets.




Как цитировать

Usanov, S. (2024). Gaussian-based variational approximation of one-dimensional quantum droplets. Центрально азиатский журнал STEM, 1(1). извлечено от